Thursday, August 14, 2008

Starting a business-study til you drop

Want to start a business? Step one, study til you drop. XP

I swear.... there is...

So much to read......!!!

But I feel empowered knowing how money works and know who I can turn to, where to get it.

The ladder to climb in money market for starting business:

1. Pocket money- I will try to work and save up 10'000 first. That's an achievable goal.
I just opened a savings account with HSBC bank, first deposit is 200. In the future I will save 100 or more every time I earn something. Business credit card is another option but I want to avoid that.

2. Friends and family chip in- for some reason I really really want to avoid involving my family, but the idea of having a group of friends chip in a certain amount together works for me.

3. Angel investors- (so tempted to use this in my manga now. lol~) Individuals with money who band up together to invest in starting business, they are more likely to take higher risks on small business than banks. The typical range for angels to invest is 250'000 to 1 Million.
(Solid business plan is required)

4. Venture Capital- Banks, and firms investor group, who will only invest in business that has already started and running smoothly, they may lend from 1 million to 2 million typically.
(Solid business plan is required)

想開始創業? 讀讀讀~讀到你死~ XP


但是讀得越多, 懂得越多, 就越覺得有掌控自己生命的活力.

在錢的世界, 也是有階梯的:

1. 自己的存款: 我打算先工作存到1萬美金, 現在已經開了另一個戶頭, 專門存款用
2. 朋友家人支助: 因為個人信念, 我絕對不想藉助家人的錢, 朋友幫忙一起分擔是好選擇

3. 天使投資者: (突然有想用在漫畫裡的衝動~XD) 有錢的戶頭投資, 有這類的組織分佈各地, 他們喜歡投資接近自己居住所的企業, 但是要求也多. (投資1元要賺7元的) 這類的需要完整的企劃.
比較可能支持開始的企業, 大概會投資250,000-1 M.

4. 創辦資金會: 這類的只會投資已經開始營業的公司, 投資達到2M.

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