Saturday, May 8, 2010

Edepth-Too big to chew

I think i might revise my storyboard for Edepth, i decided to plan for a feature, about 1.5 hour long movie instead of 4 eps, its easier to sell that around here in the US. No one buys 4 eps package around here.

But we will tackle it 10 mins at a time.

The more I see Jp does their lipsync, the more i think it makes sense economically, it's annoying when the mouth shapes aren't matching up when you are doing a very specific lipsync, and then it becomes a problem too when you translate to different languages.

In the future I am copying anime's lipsync, it's just make a lot more sense. I have no need for the pride of "Oh I have 20 different mouth shapes" as long as the acting is good.


After i wrote out the summary of Edepth's movie.... I just realized something pretty dreadful for a beginning film maker...

Dude.... I think this is not going to be 1.5 hour long.... this is going to become 2.5 hour-3 hour long movie, with the amount of characters and story I want to pack into it...

This is not good....

I swear I did not just want bragging rights, nor ego, I just want to tell a story I want to tell, without cutting too much off... I like shorts but I am an epic storyteller by nature....

oh great, people will think i am even more crazy now.

10 minutes a year... i won't finish this at all if i don't get more help than what i have now. Miyazaki's studio finishes 5 minutes a month on cell painting, goddamnit, 5 minutes a month and they can all draw!

I need sponsors, yeah. I do, I need to rise funds seriously.

I will finish the first 20 mins first, see if we can rise more funds then finish the feature... in the mean while we will do other shorts related to 2Masters and different stories.


Brian "Beard" said...

I commend your ambition :)

I am currently torn between trying to take on a big project or a bunch of small ones as well... considering to do something similar to your approach and do the long one over time while doing the short ones inbetween

Anonymous said...

I really have no problem with a film that's only 20 min. Like, one of the things that sounded interesting about the dvd is the short film letter to my father, and the great mass of special features I heard was coming with it. Like, if you can't pulll off an hour and a half, then don't worry about it. But, I'm going to email a friend of mine who's good with drawing to see if he can lend a helping hand.