自我感覺不良好問卷 (Self bashing meme)
01、你叫什麼?(your name?)
02、是不是覺得別人的暱稱、筆名等等都比你的好聽?(Do you feel others nickname or pen name sound better than yours?)
A:Sometimes. I would have a reaction like "Woah, so artistic" But i don't feel mine is bad, just normal.
有時候~會有"好文藝"的感覺~ XD 不過不會覺得自己的不好
03、你的家人知道你在網路上的名字嗎?(Does your family know your online alias?)
A:Oh yes.
04、其實你沒有朋友吧?(You really have no friends, do you?)
A:有阿~分成3區~知心朋友, 好朋友, 社交朋友,這樣就很多啦~ XD
I have friends. I divide them into 3 groups, closest friend, good friends, and social friends. A lot of them.
05、你會不會創作?(不會的人跳到第11題)(Do you create stuff? if you don't, jump to #11)
06、有的話在哪裡發表?(Where do you show case it?)
A:網站、自費刊物,和一些客人的東西. (website, self publishing, and some clients stuff.)
07、是不是覺得自己創作的內容並不差?(基於這是問卷,請回答對自己創作自豪的部分)Do you feel your work's content isn't that bad? (because this is meme, answer the area you are most proud of)
(what i am proud of.... maybe my production rate and my long series twists... because sometimes I don't even know how it got there... *sweat drop)
08、但是卻覺得很不受歡迎對不對?(基於這是問卷,請回答為什麼不受歡迎)(But it's not that popular, isn't it? because this is meme, answer why it isn't popular.)
A:如果我自認為不受歡迎有很多漫畫家會不爽...不過事實也是我不是最受歡迎的漫畫家,我也不管自己想講的故事畫到爽就對了. 唯一需要盡責的是做到網路漫畫家該做到的...每個禮拜更新穩定的專業作品.
if I answer i am not popular, a lot of artists will hate me. But I am not the most popular out there that's for sure. I just tell the story I want to tell, I don't really care. My most important duty is bring out steady update and professional work.
09、會不會嫉妒那些比你受歡迎的人?(基於這是問卷,你可以盡量發揮你的怨恨)(Do you envy those who are more popular than you? (express it all! It's a meme!)
A:我會很理性的分析那人有什麼我需要加強的,直接拿來練功...不會有忌妒. (I just analyze and take what that person has achieved and I haven't, and just level up from there, no envy.)
(Even if you have gotten a good reaction, would you still feel you are not that good? That the readers are only pitying you? Which work did well in your body of works?)
A: But the funny things are the most popular works i have are usually not my own creation, they are but fanarts, therefore I am ashamed of it even being that popular, i use it for my own benefit.
11、你會參與討論嗎?推文或者是臉書、噗浪、推特、BLOG、討論區之類的討論,不論匿名或亮名。(Do you join any discussions on facebook, plurk, twitter or blog?)
A:偶而 (sometimes)
懶得回的都殺掉了~ (some of the meme questions i don't feel like answering, i removed it.)
18、覺得自己喜歡的作品都很熱門嗎?(基於這是問卷,就順便寫一下你喜歡的作品吧,也許真的會有無聊人士想知道)Are the kind of works you like popular? (because its meme, write down what you like many some bored people would want to know.)
A:我是等到大家都在討論了才看(超懶得追的人) <---該打
(I only start to follow any popular work if people discuss it, I am very....very lazy <---should be smacked) I have been watching more documentaries than fictions.
19、但是卻找不到同好?(基於這是問卷、不是,是基於上題,也許無聊人士就是你的同好,你可以順便說明自己想要什麼樣的同好)(Can you find anyone who's into what you are into?)
A:我朋友圈99%都是同類型的人.... (my friends circle is all the same type of people)
20、就算好不容易找到同好卻不知道該怎麼跟他搭訕?(基於這是問卷,請回答你跟人搭訕時的第一句用語。你說你從沒主動搭訕過?總有腦內想像過吧)(If you found someone sharing the same interest as you, do you go to talk to them?)
A:Usually i go give them a comment on their work. (平常都是給作品評語)
A:有時候覺得太瘦...有時候覺得大腿肉太多~ XD (sometimes i feel i am too skinny, sometimes I feel I have too much on my butt) lol
22、是不是覺得自己這麼努力,卻永遠得不到認同?(基於這是問卷,可以寫寫什麼樣的模式能讓你有認同感?比如說被自己心儀的作者稱讚、或是推文被大家齊推、或是得到十個讚)(do you feel that you work so hard but never gotten any praise or acknowledgment?)
I got acknowledgment alright... workaholic.
23、是不是容易自言自語?(基於這是問卷,可以說說你會對什麼無機物、有機物說話)(Do you talk to yourself?)
A: ALOT. XD (常常~....好像有點病態)
24、你是不是都沒有朋友找你一起去烤肉店?或者是聯誼的時候都沒有人約你?(基於這是問卷,還是把重點focus在二次元與網路的世界好了,說說你為什麼會沉 (Do no one invite you to an outing or activity online?)
A: 我常常會被約耶~這...要感覺很幸福嗎?
I get invited quite often, er, should I feel very fortunate? XD
25、即使在網路世界中,是不是還是覺得大家都背著你在講小秘密?你老是被排除在外?(Do people talk behind your back and you get excluded?)
A: 有人會談到我,通常不是壞事,常常也會自己跟我講
erm, yes, I do realize people talk about me... its usually not bad things though.They usually come to tell me too later.
26、是不是連別人的眼光都不在意了?或者說,還有哪些部分你很在意別人的目光?(Do you care about how others look at you? Or do you not care at all?
A: 要是不在意形象就好了~ 可以大方做小丑也很自在,可是沒那膽量 (It would be nice if I don't care, then i can be a much better actor or entertainer, I don't have the guts...)
27、如果有個樹洞可以讓你宣洩而絕對不會被人知道,你會朝著樹洞說什麼?(善意提醒,這份問卷有可能被他人看見)(If there's a hole you can yell anything in, what would you say?)
A: 神阿給我穩定的支票! (God give me a steady pay check!)
28、你是不是覺得世界要末日了?世界末日時是不是覺得自己會孤單到死?(Do you fear the end of the world? Would you die alone?)
A: 其實我不太相信世界末日說...不過要死會貼在家人身邊八~
I don't really believe in the end of the world talks, but if i am to die i hope to stick with my family.
29、自認自己自我感覺不良好嗎?是不是覺得寫這份問卷的自己太悲情了?而且寫了又沒人會看?(這樣好了,如果可以的話你希望讓誰看見你填寫的這份問卷)(Do you feel you don't feel good about yourself? Do you feel that you are such a depressed person to write this meme? And even if you wrote it, no one will see it?)
A: 這問卷太好玩了~ XD 應該要傳給幾個真的自我不良好的一寫就好起來了! (拖走)
This is a REALLY funny meme. I should pass it to those who really hate themselves, they might brighten up after they wrote this!
(I won't ask you to pass this to 5 friends, using that kind of topic to end this feels too good!)
A: LOL take it yourself.
01、你叫什麼?(your name?)
02、是不是覺得別人的暱稱、筆名等等都比你的好聽?(Do you feel others nickname or pen name sound better than yours?)
A:Sometimes. I would have a reaction like "Woah, so artistic" But i don't feel mine is bad, just normal.
有時候~會有"好文藝"的感覺~ XD 不過不會覺得自己的不好
03、你的家人知道你在網路上的名字嗎?(Does your family know your online alias?)
A:Oh yes.
04、其實你沒有朋友吧?(You really have no friends, do you?)
A:有阿~分成3區~知心朋友, 好朋友, 社交朋友,這樣就很多啦~ XD
I have friends. I divide them into 3 groups, closest friend, good friends, and social friends. A lot of them.
05、你會不會創作?(不會的人跳到第11題)(Do you create stuff? if you don't, jump to #11)
06、有的話在哪裡發表?(Where do you show case it?)
A:網站、自費刊物,和一些客人的東西. (website, self publishing, and some clients stuff.)
07、是不是覺得自己創作的內容並不差?(基於這是問卷,請回答對自己創作自豪的部分)Do you feel your work's content isn't that bad? (because this is meme, answer the area you are most proud of)
(what i am proud of.... maybe my production rate and my long series twists... because sometimes I don't even know how it got there... *sweat drop)
08、但是卻覺得很不受歡迎對不對?(基於這是問卷,請回答為什麼不受歡迎)(But it's not that popular, isn't it? because this is meme, answer why it isn't popular.)
A:如果我自認為不受歡迎有很多漫畫家會不爽...不過事實也是我不是最受歡迎的漫畫家,我也不管自己想講的故事畫到爽就對了. 唯一需要盡責的是做到網路漫畫家該做到的...每個禮拜更新穩定的專業作品.
if I answer i am not popular, a lot of artists will hate me. But I am not the most popular out there that's for sure. I just tell the story I want to tell, I don't really care. My most important duty is bring out steady update and professional work.
09、會不會嫉妒那些比你受歡迎的人?(基於這是問卷,你可以盡量發揮你的怨恨)(Do you envy those who are more popular than you? (express it all! It's a meme!)
A:我會很理性的分析那人有什麼我需要加強的,直接拿來練功...不會有忌妒. (I just analyze and take what that person has achieved and I haven't, and just level up from there, no envy.)
(Even if you have gotten a good reaction, would you still feel you are not that good? That the readers are only pitying you? Which work did well in your body of works?)
A: But the funny things are the most popular works i have are usually not my own creation, they are but fanarts, therefore I am ashamed of it even being that popular, i use it for my own benefit.
11、你會參與討論嗎?推文或者是臉書、噗浪、推特、BLOG、討論區之類的討論,不論匿名或亮名。(Do you join any discussions on facebook, plurk, twitter or blog?)
A:偶而 (sometimes)
懶得回的都殺掉了~ (some of the meme questions i don't feel like answering, i removed it.)
18、覺得自己喜歡的作品都很熱門嗎?(基於這是問卷,就順便寫一下你喜歡的作品吧,也許真的會有無聊人士想知道)Are the kind of works you like popular? (because its meme, write down what you like many some bored people would want to know.)
A:我是等到大家都在討論了才看(超懶得追的人) <---該打
(I only start to follow any popular work if people discuss it, I am very....very lazy <---should be smacked) I have been watching more documentaries than fictions.
19、但是卻找不到同好?(基於這是問卷、不是,是基於上題,也許無聊人士就是你的同好,你可以順便說明自己想要什麼樣的同好)(Can you find anyone who's into what you are into?)
A:我朋友圈99%都是同類型的人.... (my friends circle is all the same type of people)
20、就算好不容易找到同好卻不知道該怎麼跟他搭訕?(基於這是問卷,請回答你跟人搭訕時的第一句用語。你說你從沒主動搭訕過?總有腦內想像過吧)(If you found someone sharing the same interest as you, do you go to talk to them?)
A:Usually i go give them a comment on their work. (平常都是給作品評語)
A:有時候覺得太瘦...有時候覺得大腿肉太多~ XD (sometimes i feel i am too skinny, sometimes I feel I have too much on my butt) lol
22、是不是覺得自己這麼努力,卻永遠得不到認同?(基於這是問卷,可以寫寫什麼樣的模式能讓你有認同感?比如說被自己心儀的作者稱讚、或是推文被大家齊推、或是得到十個讚)(do you feel that you work so hard but never gotten any praise or acknowledgment?)
I got acknowledgment alright... workaholic.
23、是不是容易自言自語?(基於這是問卷,可以說說你會對什麼無機物、有機物說話)(Do you talk to yourself?)
A: ALOT. XD (常常~....好像有點病態)
24、你是不是都沒有朋友找你一起去烤肉店?或者是聯誼的時候都沒有人約你?(基於這是問卷,還是把重點focus在二次元與網路的世界好了,說說你為什麼會沉 (Do no one invite you to an outing or activity online?)
A: 我常常會被約耶~這...要感覺很幸福嗎?
I get invited quite often, er, should I feel very fortunate? XD
25、即使在網路世界中,是不是還是覺得大家都背著你在講小秘密?你老是被排除在外?(Do people talk behind your back and you get excluded?)
A: 有人會談到我,通常不是壞事,常常也會自己跟我講
erm, yes, I do realize people talk about me... its usually not bad things though.They usually come to tell me too later.
26、是不是連別人的眼光都不在意了?或者說,還有哪些部分你很在意別人的目光?(Do you care about how others look at you? Or do you not care at all?
A: 要是不在意形象就好了~ 可以大方做小丑也很自在,可是沒那膽量 (It would be nice if I don't care, then i can be a much better actor or entertainer, I don't have the guts...)
27、如果有個樹洞可以讓你宣洩而絕對不會被人知道,你會朝著樹洞說什麼?(善意提醒,這份問卷有可能被他人看見)(If there's a hole you can yell anything in, what would you say?)
A: 神阿給我穩定的支票! (God give me a steady pay check!)
28、你是不是覺得世界要末日了?世界末日時是不是覺得自己會孤單到死?(Do you fear the end of the world? Would you die alone?)
A: 其實我不太相信世界末日說...不過要死會貼在家人身邊八~
I don't really believe in the end of the world talks, but if i am to die i hope to stick with my family.
29、自認自己自我感覺不良好嗎?是不是覺得寫這份問卷的自己太悲情了?而且寫了又沒人會看?(這樣好了,如果可以的話你希望讓誰看見你填寫的這份問卷)(Do you feel you don't feel good about yourself? Do you feel that you are such a depressed person to write this meme? And even if you wrote it, no one will see it?)
A: 這問卷太好玩了~ XD 應該要傳給幾個真的自我不良好的一寫就好起來了! (拖走)
This is a REALLY funny meme. I should pass it to those who really hate themselves, they might brighten up after they wrote this!
(I won't ask you to pass this to 5 friends, using that kind of topic to end this feels too good!)
A: LOL take it yourself.
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